Monday 7 December 2015

E60 Driver's Door: No power to windows, mirrors, remote-lock, etc. - Door Module fuse.


  • Driver's window switch-panel doesn't operate or illuminate buttons.
  • Remote door-lock doesn't operate, but all doors operate when key is turned.
  • Driver's door courtesy light does not illuminate.
  • Mirror control and other door switches do not operate or illuminate.
  • Speaker still works.

FUSE 10 - 30A - [Driver's Seat Adjustment] It's the first green fuse from the left in the glove compartment fuse-box.

The fuse is labelled Driver's Seat Adjustment, but is really just power from Terminal 30, which also supplies the Driver's Door Module. This module is located inside the driver's door and metes out power to the different door components so that all operations are communicated back to the CAS [Comfort Access System]. This means that when the fuse to the door module blows, power is lost to the window, mirror, etc. switch panel, the remote door lock, basically everything except the speaker. This causes a lot of confusion as to the root of the problem, as it would be very hard to guess that the fuse for the driver's seat adjustment motors would also power a hidden module in the door that controls everything. Oh well, that's modern cars. 
There is a lot of conflicting information on forums about this. It appears that most people have the symptoms described above and not one reply mentions this fuse! Owner's have even shelled out for new door modules which have had no effect and perhaps their lack of further contribution to the thread suggest the same sheepish frustration I felt when I found the fuse. Quite a few people have foxed indy auto-electricians with this problem, who have probably been testing wires, as I did, while not knowing about the fuse.
I eventually discovered the fuse by tracing the wiring diagrams on This is a brilliant place to access the TIS wiring-diagrams and navigate them easily. I have condensed the layout of the door module wiring in the pic below.

Saturday 3 October 2015

BMW Diagnosis Abbreviations for E38, E39, E46, E53 X5

These are the abbreviations used when diagnosing pre-iDrive BMW BUS-systems, starting with E38 7er, through E39 5er, E46 3er and E53 X5. For iDrive models E65, E60/61, E90 etc. see this post.
They're from a great thread by kneescrap on - [].

A - processed vehicle speed signal
A - "out" (Aus)
AB - Airbag
ABL - Brake system warning Lamp (2 color)
ABS - Anti-lock Braking System
AC - Air Conditioning (from ETK)
ACC - Active Cruise Control
ACS - Active Comfort Seats
ADB(X) - Automatic Differential Braking
ADS - engine intake air control
ADV - windshield wiper pressure control
AEGS - Automatic Electronic Gearbox Control (also EGS)
AFM - Air Flow Meter
AGD - suction silencer (from ETK)
AGR - emission reduction
AGS - Adaptive transmission control
AG - Automatic Gearbox (transmission)
AHK - Active rear-axle Kinematics
AHK - trailer hitch (from ETK)
AHM - trailer Module (not for US models)
AHPS - Advanced HPS
AIC - Automatic Interval Control (rain sensor)
AKF - activated carbon canister (from ETK)
AKS - Active head restraint
AKS - pressure regulating device (from ETK)
ALC - Automatic Light Control
ALR - Automatic Lamp Range Adjustment
AMM - Air Mass Meter
AMP - radio system AMPlifier
ARI - car radio information system (from ETK)
ARS - Active Roll Stabilization
ASC - All Season traction
ASC-EZA - ASC w/ engine timing and injection intervention
ASC+T - ASC+ Traction control
ASK - Audio System controller (Kontroller)
ASR - self starter block relay (from ETK)
AST - Automatic Slip control (marketing term)
AT - remanufactured part (from ETK)
AT - Antenna (from ETK)
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid (from ETK)
ATL - exhaust gas turbo charger (from ETK)
AUC - Automatic air recirculation
AUT - AUTomatic transmission (from ETK)
AVT - Antenna amplifier Tuner
AZD - tightening torque specifications (in TIS)
A/D – Analog/Digital

B - Benzene (gasoline)
BAT - BATtery (from ETK)
BC - Board Computer
BC1 - Body Controller 1
BL - Brake Light (from ETK)
BLS - Brake Light Switch
Bluetooth - A wireless interconnection technology that automatically recognizes and communicates with components (such as cell phones, headsets and computing devices) when brought into close proximity (generally 30 feet or less).
BMBT - Board Monitor
BS - Block diagram
BST - Battery Safety Terminal
BVA - Brake pad wear indicator (from ETK)
BZM - center console control center
BZMF - center console control center, rear

CAN – Controller Area Network (Multiple ECU Controller)
CAN-Bus - Controller Area Network (bus)
CANH-Bus - CAN bus, High
CANL-Bus - CAN bus, Low
CANP - fuel tank ventilation valve
CAS - Car Access System
CBC - Corner Braking Control
CBS - Condition Based Service
CCM - Check Control Module
CD - Control Display
CDC - Compact Disk Changer
CDS - CD player (from ETK)
CEL - CELsius (from ETK)
CIM - Chassis Integration Module
CO - Carbon monOxide (from ETK)
COMBI – Electronic Instrument Cluster
CON - CONtroller
CU - Copper (from ETK)
CVM - Convertible top Module
CVT - Constantly Variable Transmission
CW - drag coefficient (from ETK)
CWP - Cold Weather Package

D1 - Xenon light/ gas discharge (from ETK)
D-Bus - Diagnosis bus (same as TXD)
DBC - Dynamic Brake Control
DBS - Dynamic Braking System
DCS - Dealer Communication System
DE – Diagnostic Unit
DD - Dynamic motor Drive
DDE - Digital Diesel Electronics
DIN - German industrial standards
DIS - Diagnosis and Information System
DISA - Differential air intake control
DIVA - continuously variable length intake runners
DK - throttle housing/valve
DKB - throttle w/ brake intervention
DKE – Throttle Increase
DKI - throttle position
DKR - throttle reduction
DKT - throttle position signal
DKV - preset throttle position value
DME - Digital Motor Electronics
DM-TL - Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage
DOHC - Double Over Head Camshafts (from ETK)
DS - gasket set (from ETK)
DSC - Dynamic Stability Control
DSP - Digital Sound Processing
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code (SAE)
DTC - Dynamic Traction Control
DWA - theft deterrent system
DWS - tire pressure Warning System
DZM - revolution counter (from ETK)

E - "in" (Ein)
EBA - EinBau Anleitung (translated Installation Instructions). This is a CD-ROM with installation instructions for various options and upgrades.
EBV - Electronic Brake force proportioning
ECE - European market version (from ETK)
ECM - Engine Control Module (SAE term)
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EDC - Electronic Damper Control (from ETK)
EDR - Electronic throttle control
E-KAT - Electrically heated catalytic converter
ECM - Engine Control Module (SAE term)
ECO - Controller for I-Drive system
EDC - Electronic Dampening Control
EDC-K - Electronic Dampening Control - Continuous
EDK - Electronic throttle valve
EDS - pressure regulator
EFH - Electric window lifter (from ETK)
EGS - Electronic transmission control
EH - Electronic-Hydraulic
EHC - Electronic Height Control
EKM - Electronic body Module
EKP - Electric fuel Pump
ELV - Electronic steering lock
EM - Electro-Mechanical
EMF - Electro-Mechanical parking brake
EML - Electronic Motor Load regulation
EMV - Electro-Magnetic sensitivity (from ETK)
EO - component location
EPC - Electronic Parts Catalog (also ETK)
EPROM - Erasable/ Programmable chip Memory (from ETK)
ETK - Electronic parts catalog (also EPC)
ETM - Electrical Troubleshooting Manual
ESS - Electronic anti-theft device
EV - injection Valve
EWS - Electronic drive-away protection

FB - Function description
FBC - Fading Brake Control
FBD - remote control services
FBZV - radio frequency locking system
FGR – Vehicle Speed Control (Cruise Control)
FH - window lifter
FHK - rear Heater/ air conditioner
FLC - automatic Light Control
FRU - Flat Rate Unit
FS – Crash Sensor
FZV - central lock receiver

GAL - speed dependent sound volume
GM - General Module
GMR - yaw moment control
GPS - Global Positioning System
GRII - cruise control
GRS - rotation Rate Sensor
GS – Belt Tensioner
GWK - torque converter lock-up control

H - "rear" (Hinten)
H2 - Xenon headlights
HA - rear Axle (from ETK)
HC – Hydro Carbon
HD - Heavy Duty (from ETK)
HDC - Hill Decent Control
HFM - Hot Film air mass Meter
HG - manual Gearbox (transmission)
HKL - Hydraulic trunk lid Lift
HLM – Hot Wire Air Mass Meter
HPS - Head Protection System
HR - Heater control (from ETK)
HVA - Hydraulic Valve Adjuster (from ETK)
Hz – Hertz (Cycle)

I-Bus - Information bus
IB - Interior lighting control signal
IHKA - automatic Heating and A/C
IHKAF - IHKA w/ micro filter
IHKR - regulated Heating and A/C
IHKRF - IHKR w/ micro filter
IHKS - standard Heating and A/C
IHPD - Internal High Pressure Deformation
IHR - Integrated Heater control (from ETK)
IKE - Instrument cluster Electronics
ILH - Interior Lighting, rear
ILV - Interior Lighting, front
IMS - Instant Mobility System (from ETK)
IR – Infrared
IRS – Infrared Locking System
ISC – Idle Speed Control
ISIS - Intelligent Safety Integration System
ISN - Individual Serial Number
ISOFIX - standardized mounts for child restraints
ITS - head airbag assembly/ Inflatable Tubular Structure
IVM - Integrated power supply Module

K-Bus - body bus (Karosserie)
KAT - catalytic converter
KATON - converter creating (signal)
KD - Kick-Down
KDS - Komputer Service Desk (Translated Computer) A CD-ROM that inlcudes the defect codes and flat rate labor units BMW allows for the warranty repair of defects.
KHI - interface for headphones
KL - terminal designation
KL15 - run bus (ignition switch run position)
KL30 - battery bus (hot at all times)
KL31 - ground bus (chassis ground)
KL50 - start bus (ignition start position)
KLR - accessory bus
KO - compressor "on" signal
KOMBI - instrument cluster
KOREL - compressor relay signal
KR – Contact Ring
KSK - Knock Sensor
KVA - fuel consumption signal/value
KW - crankshaft
KW - KiloWatt (from ETK)

LCM - Lamp Check Module
LDP - Leak Diagnosis Pump
LEV - Low Emissions Vehicle
LEW - Lateral acceleration sensor
LHD - Left-Hand Drive (from ETK)
LKM - Lamp control Module
LL - closed throttle
LM - Light Module
LMM - air flow meter/sensor
LMR - Light alloy wheel
LRA - vertical headlight aiming
LSM - steering column memory
LSZ - Lamp Switching center
LVA - air supply system (for EHC system)
LWR - vertical headlight aim control
LWS-5 - steering angle sensor

M-Bus - IHKA/IHKR stepper motor bus
MAL - center armrest
MBC - Maximum Brake Control
MDK - Motorized throttle valve/system
MFL - Multi-Function steering wheel
MFC - Multi-Function Controller
MFU - Multi-Function Clock
MID - Multi-Information Display
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp (SAE), "check engine" Lamp
MIR - Multi-Information Radio
MMC - Multi-Media Changer
MoDiC - Mobile Diagnostic Computer
MOST-Bus - Media Oriented System Transport bus
MRS - Multiple Restraint System
MSR - engine drag torque Regulation
MV - Magnetic Valve (solenoid Valve)

n-ab - rotational speed, transmission (rpm)
n-mot - rotational speed, engine (rpm)
NAVI - Navigation module
NG - New Generation (as in N73 engine)
NG - tilt sensor
NOX - Nitrogen Oxides/ exhaust gas recirculation (from ETK)
NSD - rear muffler (from ETK)
NSL - rear fog Lamp (from ETK)
NSW - fog lamp (from ETK)
NTC - Negative Temperature Coefficient
NW - camshaft (from ETK)

OBC - On-Board Computer
OBD - On-Board Diagnosis (SAE)

P/N – Park/Neutral position
P-Bus - Periphery bus
PB - Pin assignments
PBS - Parts Bulletin System (in TIS)
PDC - Park Distance Control
PGS - Passive Go System
PM - Power Module
PP – Impact Pad
PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient

RLS - Rain-Light Sensor
PWG - Pedal position sensor/ potentiometer
RA - Repair instructions (in TIS)
RAM – Random Access Memory
RAL - Aluminum wheels (from ETK)
RAL - standard color (from ETK)
RDC - tire pressure Control
RDS - Radio Data-broadcast System
RDW - tire pressure Warning
RHD - Right-Hand Drive (from ETK)
RM - Relay Module
ROZ - Research Octane rating/ fuel grade (from ETK)
RPA - tire puncture warning (from ETK)
RPS - Rollover Protection System
RS - Repair kit (from ETK)
RSW - back-up lamp (from ETK)
RXD - wake-up Diagnosis line
RZV - direct stationary ignition

SASL - Satellite, A-pillar left
SASR - Satellite, A-pillar right
SAV - Sport ACTIVITY Vehicle
SB - fuse assignments
SBE - Seat occupancy detector/sensor
SBFH - Seat module, passenger-side rear
SBSL - Satellite, B-pillar left
SBSR - Satellite, B-pillar right
SBT - SI techniques/ tech reference information (in TIS)
SCA - Soft Close Automatic/Actuator
SD - sliding roof (from ETK)
SD - silencer/ muffler (from ETK)
SE - Special Equipment (from ETK)
SES - voice recognition System
SFAH - Seat module, driver's side rear
SFZ - Satellite, vehicle center
SG - control unit
SGS - Seat integrated belt System
SHD - sliding/ lifting roof (from ETK)
SHD - Sunroof module (also SHDM)
SI - Service Information (in TIS)
SIA - Service Interval system (ver. I, II, III, IV, etc.)
SII - Service Interval Indicator
SIL - SILicon (from ETK)
SIM - Safety Information Module
SINE - Siren/tilt sensor
SKD - Steel sliding roof (from ETK)
SKHD - Steel sliding/ lifting roof (from ETK)
SM - Seat Module
SM/SPM - Seat/Mirror Memory
SMBF - Seat Module, passenger side
SMFA - Seat Module, driver's side
SMG - Sequential Manual Gearbox
SP - Schematic
SRA - headlight/fog light cleaning
SRS - Supplementary Restraint System
SSD - Steel sliding roof (from ETK)
SSH - Seat Satellite, rear seat
ST - connector views
Steptronic - transmission shift control
STVL - Satellite, left front door
STVR - Satellite, right front door
SVS - Speech processing System
SWR - headlamp cleaning system (from ETK)
SWZ - Special tool listings (in TIS)
SZL - Switch center, steering column
SZM - central switch center Module

TAGE - door handle Electronics
TCM - Transmission Control Module
TD - engine speed signal (ignition pulse)
TD - Technical Data (in TIS)
TDD - Technical Documentation Disk. Made availble to consumers and dealers by force of the DOT/EPA regulations for servicing the electrical and mechanical components of the emissions replated systems on the cars that are not on the ETM.
TE - fuel evaporation control
TEL - TELephone control unit
TEV - evaporative purge control
THZ - Tandem master cylinder (from ETK)
ti - Injector "on" Time (duration)
TIS - Technical Information System
TL - part throttle / load signal
TLEV - Transitional Low Emission Vehicle
TMBFT - door Module, passenger side
TMBFTH - door Module, passenger side rear
TMFAT - door Module, driver's side
TMFATH - door Module, driver's side rear
TP - Tandem Pump (from ETK)
TPS - Throttle Position Switch/Sensor
TR - engine speed signal (rpm)
TR - TRansistor (from ETK)
TRG - fuel level sensor (from ETK)
TRI - Technical Reference Information (also SBT)
TRS - battery isolation Switch
TSD - Torsional vibration dampener (from ETK)
TSB - Technical Service Bulletin
TSH - door lock Heating
TSZI - Transistorized coil Ignition system (from ETK)
TU - Technical Update (as in M50tu)
TXD - Transmitting Diagnosis line

U-batt - Battery voltage
U-vers - supply voltage
UERSS - rollover bar (from ETK)
URS - rollover protection System
USIS - Ultrasonic passenger compartment Sensor

V - "front" (Vorn)
V - vehicle road speed
VA - front Axle (from ETK)
VAT - front axle support (from ETK)
VANOS - Variable camshaft timing
VEP - distributor-type injection Pump (from ETK)
VID - VIDeo module
VL - full load (wide open throttle)
VSD - front muffler (from ETK)
VVT – Valve tronic

WBG - hazard warning switch (from ETK)
WIM - Wiper control Module
WK - torque converter lock-up clutch
WSS – Wind Shield (from ETK)
WT – Valve tronic control unit

Z - "central" (Zentrum)
ZAB - ignition fade-out (reduction)
ZAE - central Airbag Electronics
ZAS - ignition starter switch (from ETK)
ZGM - central Gateway Module
ZK - cylinder head (from ETK)
ZKE - central body Electronics
ZKH - cylinder head cover (from ETK)
ZMS - dual-Mass flywheel (from ETK)
ZV - central locking system
ZS - central lock (from ETK)
ZSD - center muffler (from ETK)
ZV - central locking system (from ETK)
ZVM - central locking Module
ZWD - idle control valve